Sunday, December 6, 2015

Three Months - Hazel

-to sleep in her crib/on a flat surface
-to sleep on her side
-when Daddy reads her books
-getting bathed
-white noise from the heater in her room
-to have her blanket cover her face

-being held when she'd rather be in her crib
-laying on the back of her head, she'd rather have her head turned or lay on her side still
-being too hot or too cold
-the frog sound on her jungle mat

-0-6m MAM binky, but loves her thumb too if the binky falls out and we aren't there to put it back in.
-Aden & Anais bamboo swaddle blanket

-she's cooing/talking a lot lately
-rolled from her tummy to back (11/25/15 - 11 weeks)

-NB onesies for the first half of the month, socks
-0-3M everything else the second half of the month, though pants are still fairly large on her around the waist.
-6M dresses are best on her because they are longer..

Size 1 diapers, slowly starting to fit better.
I personally don't have a huge preference on type of diaper. We have a lot of Pampers that people have given us, but I don't necessarily LOVE them.

Things to remember:
-For some reason her tummy just hurts. It tends to come and go. She just cries and cries because it hurts so much to poop. I give her the gas relief drops and they seem to help but not for long. Sometimes when she is pooping/crying she won't eat and eventually cries herself to sleep. It breaks my mama heart. Her poop is still liquid-y so the doctor said she's just trying to get used to pushing to poop but then relaxing her rectum to release the poop. If her poop becomes more toothpaste-like then we may need to put her on a stool softener/prune juice.
-She likes when you do peek-a-boo.
-She likes when people will look at her and talk to her (especially her little cousins).
-She just started noticing herself in mirrors/selfies and just smiles and/or stares.
-Toward the end of the month we realized she is Colic. Once we figured that out things changed. Whether she's happier or not I think it's mostly that we are okay with her crying because we "understand" what's going on. As much as you can really understand Colic ha! We've been giving her Gripe Water which seems to help as well as Gas Relief. We've also been putting a warm bean bag on her tummy to help. We are praying she's over this soon. Most kids are over it at 3 months.
-I cannot get over how cute her gummy smile is! She is "lip tied" so it almost looks like she has teeth but it's just her gums. It is so freaking cute! (picture below)
-I secretly (or not so secretly anymore) love when she is sucking her thumb. She doesn't suck hard and she keeps her fingers up. I think it's super cute (video/picture below), but wish she was only binky because it's easier to take away than her own hand.

6:00am -6:30am : Change diaper, early morning feeding, go back to sleep.
6:30am - 8:00 am: Nap.
8:00am - 9:00am : Change diaper, get dressed, eat*,
9:00am - 11:00 am : Nap.
11:00am - 11:30pm : Change diaper, play/tummy time.
11:30/12:00 : Eat*, then nap.
12:00pm - 3:00pm : Nap.
3:00pm : Change diaper, eat*, snuggles.
3:30pm - 5:30pm : Nap.
5:30pm : Eat*, hang out w/ mommy & daddy, sometimes sleeps some more.
7:50/8:00pm - 8:45/9:00pm : Bath, lotion/massage, pajamas, eat, read w/ daddy, bedtime.

*Sometimes she doesn't eat during each feeding time and will skip 1 or 2 during the day, but it's never really consistent. We are working on making it more consistent but with her tummy hurting her I can just never tell when she'll have a good feeding or not. The only two that are always are the morning/night feedings.*

Hazie, Haze, Lover, Little Miss, Miss MaGoo

Doctor Appointments/Other Info:
No doctor appointment this month, although her results from last months ultrasound came back and everything looks normal!

I noticed this month that apparently I really like to take "Phhhoto"'s (the GIF's) of Hazel, ha! 
Oh well, I love them of her!

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