Friday, November 6, 2015

Two Months - Hazel

-Her sleep
-Peek a boo
-Her mobile
-To fall asleep while eating
-When daddy sings to her
-The bath
-To have her blanket by her face

-Having gas
-Her hands being covered by blankets
-When she can't see mom/dad
-Getting her nose suctioned

-MAM 0-6m binkies
-The "ocean" setting on her sound machine
-Aden & Anais bamboo swaddle blanket

-Slept through the night. (5 weeks - 10/9/15)
-Eats without the nipple shield now!
-First nap in crib. (5 weeks - 10/10/15)
-Read first book together; Sloppy Kisses (10/11/15)
-First official night in the crib (6 weeks - 10/20/15)
-First Halloween (8 weeks - 10/31/15) *read about it here*

Does not fit in NB footie jammies, but still wears NB onesies/pants.
Can wear 0-3m footie jammies, but they are still sort of big.

Finally ran out of NB diapers so we switched her to size 1.
I really don't understand why size 1 diapers are so much bigger than NB...
she'll probably be in size 1 for a while.

Things to remember:
-She loves white noise, she isn't a fan of the "heartbeat" but loves the "ocean" setting on her sound machine. The last few weeks since it's been cold we've had a heater going in her room that she falls asleep to the noise of.
-When she sleeps she holds her hands together like she's praying.
-Lately, she'll spit her binky out of her mouth but get it back in by herself (sometimes).
-When she's in the bath, she'll kick off the sink "wall" and almost bonk her head on the other side of the sink (I always have my hand there for this reason).
-Novemeber 1st was the first time that I felt great about breastfeeding. My mom said give it 2 months, and she was definitely right! Occasionally, Hazel will get really angry when I tried to feed her but I think it's because she has bad gas pains. But other than that, I'm loving breastfeeding. It's been way better than I ever thought!
-I love when I'm burping her, she'll pat my back while I pat hers.
-When she is eating, she'll pull off and look up, lock eyes with me, then give me the BIGGEST smile ever. It's enough to melt my heart into a giant puddle.

Lovey, Hazel Bazel, Haze, Hazey

Doctor Appointments/Other Info:
2 Month Appointment w/ Dr. Rowen- Weight: 9lbs 5oz 7% Length: 22in 27% Head: 37cm 14%.
Dr. Rowen was checking her legs when he noticed that she has a pop/clicking in her hips on both sides. We scheduled to go in to get an ultrasound done to check for hip dysplasia on her for Monday. Basically if it's bad enough she'll have to be in a harness that holds her legs in a position that will help her to not have hip problems later on down the years. She would have to wear it all the time for a month or so. We are hoping that it's not too bad, but we'll see on Monday! Dr. Rowen was nice, but we definitely like Dr. Alba best so far. Hazel got her vaccinations done and it was so sad. She cried so hard and her little legs were super sore the rest of the day. She's healthy and growing (slowly but surely)! We also found her birth mark this month and confirmed it was indeed a birthmark at her doctor appointment. It's a cute little mark on her right upper arm.

Two Months in Pictures:
random order

2 Month Doctor Appointment

We love this nurse! She's so nice! ^^

Pre Shots ^ 
Post Shots v

Look at those tears ^^

Those bandaids are so cute but so so sad... ^^

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