Saturday, July 9, 2016

House Update: Backyard

I realized I haven't even written about our "new" house. 
I'll do more posts about the inside another time when the house isn't a mess (:
In April, we got the keys to our house but for the first two weeks we spent time removing wallpaper, repairing walls, painting and getting new carpet before we fully moved in.
It's a wonderful house but there were definitely some projects we wanted to get done 
while we are here (which better be a looong time).

There are a few things inside like fixing the ceiling in the basement (we had a water leak when we moved in), finishing our family room entertainment center, paint the remainder of the house (I hate colored walls..), and other small details eventually. 

As well as the inside, there are a few things outside that we would like to change to make the backyard more enjoyable for our family.
There is a huge garden area at the back of our yard that has 
(since we moved in) overgrown with weeds like crazy. 
We have an apple tree, pear tree, and a cherry tree in our yard that just this year we didn't harvest the cherries before the birds got them and the pears were gross by the time we took them off. 
So we decided that as well as, the peach tree stump they left, some pokey bushes, and another tall tree that is most likely dead, coming out that we would just take out all the trees in the yard out except for the cherry (I have hope for that one!)
The plan was also to level out the back part of the grass next to the garden.

Day 1:
This last saturday we spent the day with a backhoe starting our vision for our backyard!
It looks sort of like a disaster now, but when it's all done it will be amazing!

Looking from the west end of our yard.

Boys and their toys!

Pulling out the Peach Tree Stump

A video view of the rest of the yard.

We only had one mishap which is lucky and honestly it isn't a bad mishap because they needed to be fixed anyway, but my dad accidentally tore up our sprinkler section near the garden. 

End of Day 1:

West side of the Yard

West/North Side of Yard

North/East Side of Yard